Business health checks


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Finance & Support


A Business Health Check provides softwares metadology and mechanics and asks some key questions about your business, highlighting areas of potential weaknesses and pointing you in the direction of relevant help and support.

A business health check also look at the culture or context the organization operates in, Any business health check that does not look at all of these areas is potentially missing a key element of your business. Context is important.

Different organizations put free health checks on their web sites and for various reasons these include:



reason for you to look and interact with the web site, provide contact details so that the organization can contact you and sell you services.


consulting companies use free online business health check& diagnostic tools, to help them identify at what products and services they should be selling to you. It gives them a warm lead in what was effectively a cold lead.

Government funded business advice

Many government support organizations receive their funding based upon the number of companies that are involved with and support. Completing an online tools helps the achieve their goal

Accessing their (government backed initiative) web sites and the services they provide helps towards hitting those targets. The more people use their services the more money they get. Even if it is not adding value to the businesses in the country.
Recently in the UK, many business support organizations have turned to using online business health checks in an attempt to capture numbers of companies that they work with. Each company that completes an online business health check counts towards one of their targets. So where is the value for you as the customer? When you use a diagnostic process


Many of the health checks (paid and free) only collect data from one source, you, the owner manager. This is fine in many ways. However, it doesn’t necessarily give us a true picture of what’s going on. It gives one person’s perception.

What if information is being hidden or you are being told what they think you want to hear? With facilitated business health checks and diagnostic reviews you will generally include comments from the many people within the organization. This means getting varying views on what is actually happening from a diverse audience from within the organization/ business.